Briana Matthews, Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant +1(920) 328-5059

How does this work?

If you’ve made it this far (all the way to a personal sleep coach’s website) it’s likely you’ve spent some of your precious time looking for the right way to get your baby to sleep even just a little bit longer. Thanks for stopping by! There are so many books available, training videos you can buy online, Instagram pages to follow and the advice from friends and family is abundant. Is there a certain method you’ve heard about that seems fitting? or the opposite, one that sounds awful to you? The best resource I can advise to you, is me! I write custom sleep plans and 24-hour schedules tailored entirely to you and your family; I help you teach your baby how to sleep independently and through the night using The Sleep Sense MethodTM.

Different from the books you’ve read or reels you’ve watched, I take time to analyze your baby’s current situation and work to accommodate your unique parenting style. As a parent or caretaker, you need to be comfortable with your new sleep plan in order for it to work for your child. I’ll meet with you 1:1, teach you the method and then continue to support you until your sleep goals are achieved.

Here’s what is included in a Full-Service plan:

  • A preliminary evaluation- This is a comprehensive questionnaire about your child’s sleep habits and routines that you’ll complete prior to our 1:1.
  • A private consultation where we’ll discuss strategies, review upcoming schedules, and learn how to address your baby’s specific sleep needs.
  • A detailed, fully customized sleep plan that I will create after our meeting
  • Follow-up telephone calls during the first week of your plan
  • Further e-mail support- After our phone call check-ins, you’ll still have an additional week of personal e-mail support.
  • Continued access to an online sleep log, where you can record what happens and I can watch the trends.

Plans are developed specific to family needs; please read these prices as estimates only.

Prenatal/ Newborn Consultation

To begin building a healthy sleep foundation right away– This includes suggested feed/sleep schedules, tips for less crying, newborn development timeline, help with what the future will bring and more.

Full-Service Consultation

Based on your child’s age, this service will cover everything you need to confidently and comfortably teach your baby the importance of sleep. Includes everything listed above, with additional options for extended support.

Infant (4-12months) Baby (12-24months)

Toddler (2-4years)

Younger Child (5yrs+)

Premium Added Support Services

Every family is different, every child is unique. I offer extended support in the form of extra sleep log tracking, adding another week of e-mail or phone support, late-night and Night #1 phone-in-hand help. We can discuss the need for these continuously throughout our time together.

Service provided solely by Briana Matthews, Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant

Contact me to set up a FREE 15-minute sleep evaluation as soon as tomorrow!